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Malaysia, [10-11-2024]—Nibav Lifts is pleased to introduce its new Nibav Series 4 Home Lifts, upgraded with AI capabilities, to Malaysia. The S4 STANDARD and S4 MAX home lifts are state-of-the-art home mobility innovations that allow Malaysian dwellers to move around their homes in comfort, style, and safety. 

Blending intuitive AI features, the Nibav S4 home lifts in Malaysia are designed and built to simplify home mobility by seamlessly blending safety and convenience features. It is going to be much easier for every family to get around their home thanks to our revolutionary lift system. All this is complimented by a sleek design that fits perfectly into any Malaysian home.

Nibav S4 home lifts aim to become the most effective and personalized home mobility solution through its integrated AI capabilities. Effortlessly integrate the Nibav S4 home lifts into your Alexa ecosystem and our proprietary app to make your everyday routine simpler.  With an emphasis on both functionality and safety, the Nibav Home Lifts S4 series transforms how homeowners interact with their spaces, adding a new level of comfort and convenience to your everyday living.

Unlike traditional home elevators, which can require extensive structural modifications, Nibav’s compact home lifts integrate effortlessly into most homes, using minimal space without compromising on quality or performance. Designed for Malaysian households, the S4 series of home lifts is a modern solution that enhances lifestyle and mobility in an affordable, accessible manner.

The Nibav S4 series includes two models: S4 STANDARD and S4 MAX, each engineered to suit a range of requirements. The S4 STANDARD model is designed for homes with moderate space needs, while the S4 MAX model offers additional cabin room and capacity, making it ideal for families with wheelchair users or those who prefer more spacious interiors. Both options prioritize ease of use and provide a quiet, smooth, and safe ride across floors, transforming the home experience with premium, AI-driven technology.

Nibav home lifts are designed with superior space optimization and make the most out of the available space. Their cylindrical shape and compact size make it possible to install them even in tight areas or spaces that will be otherwise unused. This efficient design makes Nibav S4 vacuum lifts the most appropriate for homes that seek to integrate style and elegance.

Nibav has introduced the S4 series with a commitment to making luxurious home mobility accessible to a wide range of Malaysian households. Priced competitively, these smart home lifts bring the benefits of advanced AI and quality engineering to homeowners at accessible price ranges. For anyone seeking affordable, high-quality home lifts, the Nibav S4 series provides an economical option that doesn't compromise on performance or style.

Why Choose Nibav Smart Home Lifts?

AI-Driven Technology: Use of intelligent systems for effective operations and easy and safe movement throughout.

Flexible Models: There are two options, the Compact S4 STANDARD and the Spacious S4 MAX.

Safety and Accessibility: Our smart home lifts make home mobility safe and easy for all age groups, from children to the elderly.

Compact and Stylish: Our home lifts are designed to be sleek and elegant. They effortlessly blend and adapt to any home interior.

Easy Installation: Our lifts are robust and modular, making their installation quick and easy without the need for any civil work.

Sustainable and Efficient: Our air-driven technology is one of the most efficient in the world, making it a sustainable option for Malaysian homes.

Revolutionizing Home Mobility in Malaysia

Malaysian homes have gone through many transformations to accommodate the increasing needs of modern living. The S4 range of Smart Home Lifts is Nibav’s answer to this evolution. This new series of smart home lifts has removed mobility constraints and, at the same time, introduced smart capabilities that are in line with modern needs. Nibav aims to provide homeowners with the opportunity to own a high-quality, high-tech home lift at affordable prices.                                                                                                    

Malaysian homeowners will be able to own a sophisticated, easy to use, and intelligent system that makes their daily lives easier with the help of the Nibav S4 series. For detailed information on home lift prices, specification and availability in Malaysia, you can visit Nibav’s official website or you can contact the Nibav team.

About Nibav

Nibav is the world’s leading supplier of home elevators committed to bringing innovative, space-saving, and eco-friendly accessibility solutions to homes across the globe. We strive to offer products and services of the highest quality while maintaining reasonable prices to stay true to our motto—Bringing Luxury to Every Home.


Get in Touch With us

Nibav Lifts Malaysia

Phone: +60166999025


Country: Malaysia


Company name: Nibav Home Lifts Malaysia

Contact Person: Nibav Lifts

Phone number: +60166999025

Street address: G-13 Fera Residence, No 47 Jalan 34/26 Wangsa Maju

City: Kuala Lumpur

Postal code: 53300

Business email address:

City: Kuala Lumpur           

Country: Malaysia


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Služby výkonové rovnováhy (SVR) umožňují firmám zapojit své energetické zdroje do systému, který pomáhá udržovat stabilitu elektrické sítě. Díky rostoucímu podílu obnovitelných zdrojů a potřebě flexibilní energetiky se stále více firem rozhoduje přejít na SVR. Odborníci z vysvětlují, proč jsou SVR výhodné a jaké hlavní důvody vedou firmy k zapojení do těchto služeb.

1. Dodatečné příjmy z využití flexibility

Jedním z hlavních důvodů, proč firmy volí SVR, je možnost generovat dodatečný příjem za to, že poskytují flexibilitu v době, kdy je síť pod tlakem. Energetické společnosti odměňují firmy, které jsou schopny snížit nebo zvýšit svou spotřebu podle aktuální poptávky. Firmy tak mohou vydělat na tom, že jejich zařízení zůstává připraveno zasáhnout, když to síť vyžaduje. uvádí, že tato flexibilita se stává cenným zdrojem příjmů, který může významně přispět k firemním rozpočtům.

2. Snížení nákladů na energie

Zapojením do systému SVR mohou firmy efektivněji plánovat svou spotřebu a odebírat energii v obdobích, kdy je její cena nižší. Díky tomu, že firmy mohou přizpůsobit své provozní procesy aktuální situaci v síti, mají možnost optimalizovat své náklady na energie. vysvětluje, že flexibilní plánování spotřeby snižuje energetické výdaje a zároveň zvyšuje efektivitu firemního provozu. Tyto úspory pak mohou podniky investovat do dalších rozvojových projektů.

3. Zvýšení energetické bezpečnosti a odolnosti

Pro mnoho firem je klíčové zajistit stabilitu a bezpečnost svých dodávek energie, aby nebyl jejich provoz narušen neočekávanými výpadky. Díky zapojení do SVR získávají firmy přednostní přístup k energiím i v době náhlých výkyvů, což zvyšuje jejich energetickou bezpečnost. Firmy zapojené do systému výkonové rovnováhy navíc často disponují technologiemi, které jim umožňují rychlou adaptaci na měnící se podmínky. upozorňuje, že vyšší jistota v oblasti dodávek energie je zásadní zejména pro průmyslové provozy, kde i krátkodobý výpadek může mít vážné důsledky.

4. Podpora udržitelnosti a snížení uhlíkové stopy

Služby výkonové rovnováhy umožňují firmám nejen snižovat náklady a zvyšovat energetickou efektivitu, ale také podporovat ekologičtější provoz. Firmy, které využívají SVR, mají možnost lépe řídit spotřebu energie z obnovitelných zdrojů a přispívat k udržitelnosti. Snižují tak svoji uhlíkovou stopu, což přispívá k dosažení firemních cílů v oblasti udržitelnosti. Jak vysvětluje, tento ekologický přístup podporuje nejen životní prostředí, ale zvyšuje i reputaci firem na trhu.

5. Posílení firemní reputace a konkurenční výhody

Pro firmy, které se aktivně zapojují do řešení udržitelnosti a efektivní energetiky, se zvyšuje prestiž a pozitivní vnímání ze strany zákazníků, partnerů i investorů. Poskytování služeb výkonové rovnováhy je vnímáno jako odpovědný krok, který svědčí o zájmu firmy o ekologickou budoucnost a inovace. potvrzuje, že podniky zapojené do SVR získávají konkurenční výhodu a posilují svou pozici jako lídři v oblasti moderní energetiky.



Newsdesk, November 10, 2024 - A huge and a massive world of elegance by the name of Prestigia awaits the discerning customers with the penchant for the finer things in life. Furnishings that are exquisite, the jaw-dropping hi-tech and a carefully curated selection of highly sophisticated products have been neatly arrayed with style and flair.

Every single product at Prestigia is a thoughtful presentation of the highest levels of human imagination that a person can buy for his or her home without breaking the bank. The finality of obtaining something so exquisite, so elegant is just too much to not give into when it comes to online shopping at Prestigia.

One of the best products out there from Prestigia is the 10″ Collapsible Dobsonian Telescope from the Advanced Technologies section, that is an absolutely marvelous piece of technology for every single stargazer and budding astronomer out there to look at the sky at night and wonder how it all came to be! The Front & Back Seat Car Seat Covers Set from the Car Accessories section gives protection to the car seats from dust, and playful little kids who sometimes have a penchant for getting them dirty.

The Prestigia’s Elegant Pink Floral Midi Corset Dress redefines what it means to dress with absolute class with floral patterns and an amazing fit of the dress that is perfect for virtually any occasion. While the Deluxe French Country Double Bed from the Furniture is nothing short of a piece of art, something that adds immense beauty and grace to yeh bedroom.

“We can't thank the people enough. The opulence that we provide is simply unparalleled in nature. With Prestigia, the pleasure of online shopping only gets better. Try our website today for super deals on extraordinary luxurious products”, said the Senior Manager at Prestigia.


Prestigia is a US based Online Shopping platform for Luxurious products. It offers products in various categories like Advanced Technologies, Furniture, Car Accessories etc.


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Ahmedabad, November 06, 2024 - Treatment for Oral Submucous Fibrosis has reached new heights now with the revolutionary process of therapy established by Dr. Bharat Agravat of Dr. Agravat Healthcare Ltd. The OLI Therapy, a full-blown innovative system of treatment, is all set to take over as the number one OSMF Mouth Opening Treatment. Even though doing OLI Therapy in his clinic since 1999, Dr. Agravat has remodeled it as an evidence-based five action formula that can open the mouth at least 5 mm and upto 9 mm in one session, which is terrific in OSMF treatment at clinic. As he promises, all mouth problems like OSMF from chewing gutkha and pan masala are now going to be fully gone forever. 

Dr Bharat Agravat OLI Therapy Youtube Overview Video :

Some of the benefits of OLI Therapy are :-

  1. Relief From Pain - The treatment helps reduce the intense pain due to mouth ulcers inside the lips, gums, and tongue thereby reducing the pain totally.
  2. Comfort While Eating : Reduced burning sensations during meals, enhancing mealtime comfort.


  1. Mouth Opening - Since OSMF causes jaw muscles to harden, OLI Therapy relaxes them and helps mouth open to the fullest for better functioning of talking and eating


  1. Relaxation - Dr. Agravat undertakes muscle relaxing sessions with the patients every 10 days for best results.


  1. No surgery -  The USP of his treatment methodology is that he is able to open the mouth to the greatest extent or 10 mm at a minimum, whichever can be achieved the best depending on the extent of OSMF.

For oral cancer patients, OLI Therapy is of tremendous help as it assists them in reducing restricted mouth opening that they may have gotten from radiation treatment.

“Dr. Bharat Agravat is the innovator of OSMF Mouth Opening Kit and has been helping patients heal from OSMF and oral cancer since 1999. Even though Dr. Agravat OLI Therapy has been operational since then, he has brought new elements for far better treatment and much better results as a new OSMF Mouth Opening Treatment. You get easily book your appointment at the OSMF Kart website or the website of Dr. Bharat Agravat. Get your appointment today and get healing from restricted mouth opening, burning sensation in mouth, xerostomia etc. in just a few months, all without surgery”, said Dr. Kartavya Agravat.


Dr. Agravat’s OLI Therapy is a new and innovative treatment to heal patients from restricted mouth opening, burning sensation, reduce mouth ulcer and OSMF. They provide top class OSMF treatment in various cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Udaipur, Pune, Jaipur, Bangalore, and Hyderabad.


Dr Bharat Agravat

Address: Mohini Complex, First Floor, Beside Pride Hotel, Near Judges Bungalow road Satellite, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054

For appointment call - +91 7575 00 8686

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Dr Agravat Group Brand Store and Online D2C Ecommerce Presence

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OSMF Kart D2C E-Commerce marketplace :

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Newsdesk, 4th November, 2024 - Mystero has beat its rivals to rise to the top and become the number one online shopping website from which multitudes of people choose to buy luxurious products in various categories. The company has made such a name for itself that blends style and harmony in the most effusive way much to the delight of everyone who shops from there. If you haven't shopped at Mystero yet, it is a treasure trove waiting to be explored in not just one or two but a huge number of categories.

The 125mm F10 Schmidt-Cassegrain Computerized GoTo Astronomical Telescope with StarBright XLT from the Advanced Technologies section gives you a look at the cosmos like nothing else and makes your jaw drop at what you see. The fashionistas can get Women’s Pink Vintage High-Waisted Wide Leg Jeans from the Fashion section and take their style to the next level.

The Gold Square Ladies Quartz Watch from the Fashion Accessories section is a fine blend of sleekness and timelessness that renders the watch a must-buy and makes a statement. Whereas the Luxury Nordic Nightstand Bedside Table from the Furniture section is an alluring piece of addition to the house.

“Mystero has left no stone unturned to offer only the finest of the opulent products for the American people. Nobody else gives the quality and the discounts like we give. It's not about playing the price war game. We are just that good. And we have been rewarded by the people as such. Go online shopping at our website today and get all the luxurious products at the best prices you have been wanting!”, said the CTO of Mystero.


Mystero is a US based online shopping platform that offers luxurious products at the best prices. Some of the categories that Mystero offers products are Advenced Technologies, Fashion, Furniture, etc.


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Newsdesk, October 31, 2024 - The sophisticated allure and charms of Charmile has made it the go-to website in the US for Online Shopping for products of extravagance and affluence. Its exquisite collection from which opulence of the highest order drips like honey is evidence of the most premium craft that has come from the designers who have partnered with it. The splendor its products wrapped with is so enchanting that getting them automatically becomes an art of living — one that elevates the aesthetics and ambience of every single room in the house, beautifies the outside, and takes the sense of style to the next level.

The Luxurious Inflatable Starview Bubble Tent for Camping from the Home and Garden section provides an immersive experience — one that unifies your spirit with nature or stargazer when you're telling long forgotten tales. The French Retro Crystal Chandelier in the Lighting section is a blast from the royal past, one that redefines elegance entire for the modern generation.

The Modern White and Gold Bedroom Vanity Set with LED Light Mirror from the Furniture section is a true example of when style, substance and tested functionality are blended together. While the Indoor Charcoal Grill & Heating Oven from the Kitchen section is a delight for those with culinary expertise, those who want to taste delicious grilled items but without going outside.

“Charmile has been the market leader for quite a while now, and we are glad to carry the trust forward that our patrons have on us. Online shopping with us gives you a seamless experience and an unmatched delight as customers choose and order those stunning luxurious items. Visit our website today and transform your home into a haven of opulence”, said the CEO of Charmile.


Charmile is an online shopping website based in the United States. It offers a curated selection of extravagant products like Home & Garden, Kitchen, Lighting, Pet Supplies etc.


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Newsdesk, November 04, 2024 - Charmile, the most awe-inspiring Online Shopping platform in America today, has unveiled a brand new collection of some of the most luxurious and opulent products. The products range in various categories like Advanced Technologies, Health & Beauty, Bathroom, Gadgets, etc, and the company has seen to it that the premium products elevate your lifestyle and your status in the society in the best ways possible. Their catalog presents an offering that takes the modern lifestyle to the pinnacle of civilization by bringing together charming elegance and bright innovation by the best artisans and designers in existence.

The Full Body 3D Massage Chair featuring Thai Stretch and Zero Gravity from the Advanced Technologies section is a massive testimony to the luxurious comfort Charmile is committed to bringing to the people. Similarly, from the Bathroom section, Lux-Illuminate RGB LED Bathroom Mirror that comes with dimmable and anti-fog features adds a particular vibrancy and upgrade rarely seen elsewhere.

Those who like their homes sound and secure have got the back of the Smart Fingerprint Door Locks from the Gadgets section. Install this and you can feel as secure about your home as a sense of security comes. The 10-Piece Professional Makeup Brush Sets from the Health & Beauty section is a beautiful offering for the ladies and make-up artists to set up an even better shop.

“Charmile has been at the front and center in making lives a proper depiction of elegance. We also ensure that apart from world-class quality, we are also able to give amazing discounts on our products and make luxury accessible to one and all. Designed by visionaries, every product of ours tells a story of its own. Visit our website today and go online shopping to your heart's content”, said the Product Manager at Charmile.


Charmile is an online shopping website based in the United States. It offers a curated selection of extravagant products like Advanced Technologies, Health and Beauty, Gadgets etc.


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Newsdesk, November 02, 2024 - Ulorin has become the heartthrob Online Shopping platform for millions of Americans. It has become the exclusive destination from which people shop for every luxurious need of theirs at terrific prices that beat everybody else in every measure. It houses an unparalleled collection of goods that have been crafted in the finest of ways and tailored only for the discerning eyes who enjoy things of opulence as the first and only choice in their lives. There is no better company that blends style and class with utility the way Ulorin does with its products.

Smart tech is redefined again and again at Ulorin as the Efficient Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner from the Advanced Technologies section, that also comes with advanced suction and self-parking, keeps pools the most pristine of all. The Modern Marble Surface Smart LED Bathroom Mirror Cabinet and Sink Set seamlessly blends a desire for grandeur and style in the washroom that can be picked from the Bathroom section.

The ladies are bound to love the exclusive Dark Velvet Lace Splice Dress for Women from the Fashion section, a clothing of finesse that summons with allure and charms with grace. The Modern Nordic Plush Sofa Chair from the Furniture section elevates the aesthetics of the living room to a different level with its color and the excellent craft with which it has been made.

“The people have been amazing to us for so long and we couldn't be more grateful and thankful. Their massive support is what motivates us to keep bringing to them the best of the best luxury products of the best quality at tremendous prices. Go online shopping with us today and join the millions of happy customers on whose faces we have put the biggest of smiles”, said the Founder and CEO of Ulorin.


Ulorin is an online shopping platform in the US that primarily sells luxurious products in diverse categories like Advanced Technologies, Bathroom, Furniture, Fashion etc.


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Newsdesk, November 01, 2024 - Acumica launches a hauntingly spellbinding new collection for the Halloween season this 2024. They're ready to mesmerize you with their offerings and awaken the spirits wandering around for some ghostly party, and after-party to make for the best Halloween ever this year. A thrill seeking new assortment has arrived that is going to enchant the night dweller in you; bewitch you with an otherworldly elegance. They are shrouded with a supernatural charm and await to be unveiled by you.

Consider the Halloween Pumpkin and Ghost Shaped Scented Candles from the Candles section that glows like a fiend, the fire beckoning the spirits from the other world. The Bat Shaped Halloween Sunglasses from the Glasses section summon you with its ghoulish allure, like being invited by the Queen of Magic herself.

The Vintage Titanium Steel Skeleton Skull Fork & Spoon Set from the Tableware section that elevates your aura with its sophistication and the Halloween charm all around as you enjoy with your guests. At the same time, the Haunting Resin Skeleton Backflow Incense Burner from the Halloween Decor section makes for a spinechilling smoke effect item that infuses the room with a fragrance that bewitches everyone within the aromatic distance.

“Halloween is nigh upon us and we are stoked to have our patrons join us this season to celebrate as we are at the fag end of another year with just Thanksgiving and Christmas to go. We implore the folks to get everything they can from our website because this is the best Halloween collection that we promise you have seen anywhere. Try out today and have a safe and splendid Halloween!”, said the CEO of Acumica.


Acumica is an Online Shopping company that offers luxurious products of top-notch quality in various categories like Advanced Technologies, Fashion, Pet Supplies, Home Electronics, etc. Currently it is also offering Halloween products.


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Waukesha, WI — On Thursday, November 7, 2024, veterans, active military members, their families, and community supporters are invited to attend the "Succeeding After Service" Veteran Community Resource & Job Fair event at Waukesha County Technical College. This free event, open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., will be held in Room AJN at the college’s campus located at 800 Main Street, "S" Building, in Pewaukee, WI.

This event, hosted in honor of National Veterans and Military Families Month, provides veterans and military families with essential resources, career connections, and workshops. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with up to 50 local employers ready to discuss job opportunities. Additionally, the event will feature a range of community resources, offering assistance from educational programs to vital support services for reentering the workforce.

Event Highlights:

  • Community Resources: Attendees will have access to a variety of resources, including vocational rehabilitation, training programs, veteran benefits, reentry services, literacy support, and more. Free haircuts and professional photos will be offered to job seekers to help them enhance their LinkedIn profiles.
  • Mobile Vet Center: On-site, the Mobile Vet Center will provide critical support, including confidential counseling for veterans and their families on issues such as PTSD, transition assistance, bereavement, and more. Staffed by Vet Center counselors, the mobile clinic can also assist veterans with VA benefits enrollment and paperwork.
  • Workshops: A series of free, no-registration-required workshops will be held, covering topics that are highly relevant to the veteran community, including:
    • Federal Employment: Navigating the Application Process (9:30 - 10:30 a.m.)
    • Common Scams & Frauds (10:30 - 11:30 a.m.)
    • Discrimination (11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

The "Succeeding After Service" event is presented in partnership with the Bureau of Job Service, Wisconsin Departments of Veteran Services, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), Transfer Inc and Waukesha County Technical College. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of these organizations to support the successful transition and integration of veterans into civilian life.

For additional information about the event or how to participate, please email

Join us on November 7 to connect with resources, gain valuable insights, and explore meaningful employment opportunities tailored for veterans and their families. Together, we can help our veterans succeed after service.

Contact: Workforce Development Center - 262-956-6756