
For everyone struggling to deal with the negatives that we often face on a daily basis, author Daniel Lyndon has a solution. His new book, titled: FINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How to Turn a Negative into a Positive takes an in-depth look at how anyone, regardless of their situation can turn a negative into a positive. Writing from his own past experiences, Daniel’s goal is to help as many people as he can live a better, more positive life.

The author of FINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How to Turn a Negative into a Positive, Daniel Lyndon, suffered a life full of hardships. As a child, Daniel was exposed to drugs, crime, violence and poverty. His only role models were his parents, and they frequently used drugs and alcohol as a way to self-medicate from the world around them. This led to Daniel’s own drug addiction, which was already well-established by the time he was 14. Combined with his 4 year imprisonment while still an impressionable youth, and it seemed like Daniel had very little chance at a normal life.

Turning Suffering Into Something Positive And Useful

With depression setting in and psychologically trauma already having a grip on Daniel’s mind, he was near the end of his rope and needed help if he was to survive. This help came in the form of a Buddhist monk who helped Daniel take control of his self-defeating subconscious mind and understand that his suffering could be turned into something positive and useful. And that’s exactly what he did.

Daniel turned his life around and decided that he needed to share his newfound knowledge so that others who were in similar situations could lead normal, happy lives as well. His book, FINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How to Turn a Negative into a Positive, offers a very different point of view than what most people are used to. Instead of the typical ‘self-help’ book model, Daniel offers real world advice and his own story of the ups and downs that life gives us. In his story of tragedy and success, he explains how our greatest strengths are born from our suffering and most painful experiences.

PurchaseFINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How To Turn A Negative Into A Positive

You can purchase the paperback version or download the e-book now on Amazon and gain a greater understanding into your own happiness and wellbeing. Let Daniel share his insights into how to stay grounded and turn any negative into a positive.

The FINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How to Turn a Negative into a Positive website and all FINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How to Turn a Negative into a Positive products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Daniel Lyndonin the UK.

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Daniel Lyndon

Daniel will also be available for talks and interviews.For more information about Daniel Lyndon’s new book, FINDING MEANING IN THE SUFFERING: How to Turn a Negative into a Positive, visit:


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