
For individuals who may not be ideal candidates for traditional laser refractive surgeries like LASIK and PRK, lens-based refractive surgery presents a valuable alternative. Our experienced team, led by some of the best LASIK surgeons in Jacksonville, provides cutting-edge solutions in this field, ensuring optimal outcomes for a wide range of patients. One of the most common types of lens-based refractive surgery is modern cataract surgery, which involves replacing a cloudy lens with an intraocular lens (IOL). This procedure can also be performed preemptively to address refractive errors before cataracts develop, a process known as refractive lens exchange (RLE). Depending on the type of IOL used, RLE can effectively treat conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

Premium Lens Implants

While standard monofocal IOLs improve vision at a single distance, typically far, many patients find they still need glasses for near and intermediate tasks after cataract surgery. To enhance your vision across multiple distances, Maida CustomVision offers a variety of premium lens implants that provide a broader range of vision.


Crystalens is an advanced lens implant that not only addresses cataracts but also helps with presbyopia— the age-related loss of near vision. Unlike standard IOLs, Crystalens mimics the natural lens's ability to flex and accommodate, allowing patients to see clearly at various distances. This innovative lens enables individuals to enjoy a fuller range of vision for everyday activities like reading, working on a computer, and driving, often with minimal reliance on glasses.


For patients with astigmatism, the TRULIGN™ Toric IOL provides a comprehensive solution. This premium lens not only corrects cataracts but also improves astigmatism, offering a broader and clearer range of vision. Custom-selected based on the degree of astigmatism, the TRULIGN Toric IOL can significantly enhance visual outcomes. Discussing the benefits of TRULIGN Toric IOL with your doctor can help determine if this lens is the right choice for you.

AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® Multifocal IOLs

AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® Multifocal IOLs use patented apodized diffractive technology to enhance image quality and minimize visual disturbances. This technology effectively distributes light to points near, intermediate, and far away depending on the surrounding lighting conditions. In both bright and low-light conditions, these lenses offer a complete range of clear vision, improving visibility and reducing glare while engaging in activities like driving at night.

The AcrySof® IQ Toric IOLs further assist astigmatic patients by improving distance vision with reduced dependency on corrective lenses. More than 90% of cataract patients achieve 20/40 vision or better, making these options highly effective for a wide range of visual needs.

To explore whether lens-based refractive surgery or premium IOLs are suitable for you, schedule a thorough examination with the experts at Maida CustomVision. Our dedicated team will help you find the best solution for achieving clear, comfortable vision tailored to your unique needs.