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Knitting is a mix of practice, patience and a love for crafting. If you are left-handed and thinking of learning, then you need not worry. You are just a beginner like many and can easily learn to knit. You need yarn and a pair of knitting needles in case of knitting back and forth on single-pointed or circular needles. To knit projects in seamless rounds, you either have the option of five double-pointed needles and a pair of circular needles in varying cord lengths. Both hands are used to hold the needles and knit.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about knitting when you are left-handed. To help you choose right, we have a guide on knitting needles for a new knitter.

Left-handed Knitting

When it comes to learning to knit, whether you are left-handed or right-handed, you will need both hands to hold the needles. The difference will be in tensioning the yarn and making the stitches.

To help you understand the basic steps, here’s a tutorial:

Hold your single-pointed knitting needles in both hands. You can also start with circular knitting needles, a 16” (40cm) will be perfect for beginners. It is best to learn to knit back and forth. You would not like the extra pressure of joining your stitches. Take enough yarn from your ball or skein leaving 6 inches of yarn hanging free. This length of yarn must be more if you are making a long tail cast-on. Make a slip knot on one needle tip in your left hand.

Cast On

Cast on stitches on the left-hand needle. You can use any method, there are many ways to make the first row of the stitches (loops) on the needle. The long tail cast-on is beginner friendly and creates a stretchy edge. If the slingshot feels complicated, use the thumb cast on.

After you’ve cast on stitches (make sure to count the slip knot as the first cast-on), turn your needle arrangement. The needle tip with the stitches must be in your right hand.

Knitting a Stitch

Insert the left-hand needle up and under the first stitch. Yarn over your left-hand needle from the back around the left side and then between the two needles above the stitch and twist.

The two needles are now joined. Slide the stitch off the needle and with this you have transferred one stitch from your right needle to the left. You will notice the left needle have the beginning of an additional row.

Continue working the stitches on one needle. Keep practicing till you get a hang of it.

You can go ahead with a project. The rows of knit stitches form the garter stitch pattern that can be used for a dishcloth or even a scarf.

Purl a stitch

After you learn the knit stitch go ahead with the purl. It is essentially the opposite of a knit stitch. To purl, bring the left needle pointing down and in front of the stitch. Take your yarn around under your left needle. Bring it towards the left needle tip around the back of the left needle only. You can now go ahead and slide this stitch off your right-hand needle, and keep working down to the end of the row.

Binding off

Once you knitted the stitches and completed your project or even your practice swatch, you need to learn to bind off. You need to safely take your knitting off the needles. Binding off requires two stitches at a time. You either knit or purl according to the pattern.

Once all stitches are off your needles, cut your yarn. Weave in the loose yarn ends with a finishing needle or repair hook. You’ve finished knitting a piece.

Once you’ve understood the steps to knit left-handed, here are a few tips to help you.

  • Connect with a Left Handed Knitter. You can get individual assistance in knitting and also get your queries resolved. Explore your local yarn store or knitting circles to be connected to one such knitter or you can even find someone online and get virtual assistance.


  • Learn to Knit Right Handed. If you are just starting, then you can learn to knit right-handed too. You can be an expert with time and practice.


  • Learn to knit in front of a mirror. Left-handed knitting is just a mirror image of knitting with your right hand. Set up your regular daily practice, video, and photo tutorials in front of a mirror to make it easier to follow along.


  • Learn the Continental method of knitting. The knitting style instructs to hold yarn and manipulate it with the left hand. This way it feels more natural for left-handers.

Keep practicing the knits and purls and then move on to the beginner projects. Very soon you’ll be adept at knitting. The trick is to never give up and keep at it.

Happy left-handed knitting!

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