
Are you looking for a versatile and classic cast-on method? If yes, then you are at the right place. There are various methods to choose from, but the long tail cast-on is one of the popular methods in knitting due to its neatness and stretchy edges. This method uses one knitting needle and your hand to create a stitch from which you start knitting. Cast-on means adding a loop of yarn to the needle, and the long tail method is one of the cast-on methods and is mainly suitable for beginners. Don’t worry if you are experienced; you can still refresh your skills and apply them to your project to give a professional touch. This blog will guide you on a long tail method, all the steps, and tips for the perfect look.


Let’s see how exactly it works.


What is the Long tail cast-on method?


It is one of the versatile methods to create a row of stitches on your knitting needle. Honestly, use this technique in any of your projects. Whether you use double-pointed or fixed circular knitting needles, it will work perfectly with all the needles. The method is mostly suitable for projects like sweaters, scarves, and hats.


Let me explain you further.


So, what materials are required?


Before you begin your project, you must need some materials. Let’s discuss the most important thing in knitting.


  • Yarn: As a beginner, we recommend you choose a medium size yarn. The length of the yarn should be twice the width of your project.
  • Needle: Needle size should match the pattern or weight of the yarn. If you use a circular knitting pin, keep the stitches on one side of the needle.


Why do we use the long tail cast-on method?


There are various benefits or advantages of using the long tail cast-on method. Let’s check a few of them:


  • Versatile: You can opt for the long-tail cast-on method in any knitting project, and it is suitable with most of the yarn.
  • Easy: Moreover, the method is easy and fast. It's much easier than you think.
  • Neat edge: You will get neat, smooth, attractive edges for your knitting project.


Let’s further discuss the steps to learn the long-tail cast-on method.


How to do the long-tail cast-on method?


Don’t worry; it is time to learn the process. It is easy and fast. So, follow the below steps:


  • Step 1: To create a stitch in your project, remember your yarn length should be approximately 2-3 times the width of the project.


  • Step 2: Create a slip knot, place a slip knot on your knitting needle, and count this stitch as one. Leave a tail for cast on.


  • Step 3: Hold the needle with a slip knot on the right hand. Then, drape the long tail yarn on the thumb of the left hand from behind and make a loop.


  • Step 4: Insert the needle from front to back into the loop formed by the long-tail yarn around the thumb.


  • Step 5: Wrap the working yarn around the needle and pull it through the loop on your thumb.


  • Step 6: Slowly and carefully remove the thumb from the loop, and finally, get a new stitch.


  • Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6 and create the stitches according to the project requirements.


We hope the steps are clear, so start it right away. For beginners, practice as much as you can.


Tips for the perfect long-tail cast-on method


  • The most important part of this method is a long tail, so you should have a long tail yarn to create stitches on the needle. Otherwise, you have to start it again.
  • Keep the stitch's tension consistent; it should be neither tight nor loose.
  • As a beginner, start with a small swatch and become comfortable. Afterwards, work on your main project.


Now, are you ready with your yarn ball and knitting needle? Sound easy! Great.


In a nutshell, the long tail cast-on method is easy and fast to learn; not only this, it is also a valuable skill that is required to improve the quality and appearance of the project. You can create stretchy and fantastic knitting projects by following the points shared above. Above all, add creativity by using the knitting needles of Lantern Moon.

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