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Back to School in LA: Essential Safety Tips to Avoid Auto Accidents

As the summer winds down and the school bells start ringing again, students everywhere are gearing up for a new school year. Whether you're walking, biking, driving, or taking the bus, staying safe on the way to and from school is a top priority.

Here are some easy-to-follow tips to help you avoid auto accidents and keep your school year running smoothly.

1. Walk this way: Stay on the sidewalk
If you're walking to school, always use the sidewalk. If there isn’t one, walk facing traffic, so you can see oncoming cars. Cross the street at crosswalks or intersections, and always look both ways before stepping off the curb. It might seem like something you learned in kindergarten, but it’s crucial to remember, especially with all the distractions we have today.

2. Heads up: Put away the phone
Whether you're walking, biking, or driving, keeping your eyes on the road is a must. It’s tempting to text your friends or scroll through social media, but it’s important to stay focused on your surroundings. A quick glance at your phone can easily lead to missing a stop sign or a car turning the corner. Stay alert and save the screen time for later.

3. Bike smart: Wear a helmet and follow the rules
Biking to school is a great way to get some exercise, but safety should always come first. Always wear a helmet, even if you're just biking a short distance. Stick to bike lanes when possible, obey traffic signals, and use hand signals when turning. And don’t forget to make sure your bike is in good working condition before heading out—check the brakes, tires, and lights.

4. Drive safe: No speeding or racing
For students driving to school, it’s important to remember that school zones are often filled with young children, crossing guards, and buses. Always drive at or below the speed limit, especially in school zones, and never race to beat a red light or catch the green. You might be in a hurry, but safety is more important than shaving a few seconds off your commute.

5. Watch for school buses
If you're driving, be extra cautious around school buses. Remember that when a school bus stops and its lights are flashing, cars in both directions must stop, too. Kids may be getting on or off the bus and could dart across the street unexpectedly. Give buses plenty of space and be patient.

Of interest: Concerning Trend: 170 Traffic Fatalities in Los Angeles Over Six Months in 2024

6. Carpool with care
If you’re carpooling with friends, make sure everyone is buckled up before hitting the road. Don’t try to squeeze in more people than there are seat belts. Also, keep distractions to a minimum—loud music, rowdy passengers, and eating while driving can all increase the risk of an accident.

7. Be extra cautious in bad weather
Rain, fog, and snow can make roads slippery and reduce visibility, so it’s important to be extra careful when the weather takes a turn. If you're walking or biking, wear bright or reflective clothing, and take it slow. Drivers should increase their following distance and keep their headlights on, even during the day.

8. Stay sober and alert
This should go without saying, but never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It’s not only illegal but also incredibly dangerous for you and everyone else on the road.

9. Know your route
Familiarize yourself with the safest route to and from school. Avoid areas with heavy traffic or construction when possible. If you’re a new driver, practice your route a few times with a parent or guardian to get comfortable.

10. Stay calm and patient
Finally, remember that the roads can be hectic during the school rush. Give yourself extra time in the morning to avoid feeling rushed, and stay calm if you hit traffic or encounter a slow-moving school bus. Patience and a clear head will help you make smart decisions on the road.

Students and parents, by keeping these tips in mind, you can make sure your journey to school is not only safe but also stress-free. Here’s to a fantastic and accident-free school year!

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Wednesday, 14 August 2024