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outdoor stretching - socially distant Wellness tips from Kelsey Wittig, Wellness Director at Emerald Court senior living community in Anaheim

Kelsey Wittig, the wellness director at Emerald Court senior living community in Anaheim, shares her top five tips to keep senior citizens engaged and well during the pandemic.

COVID-19 quarantines continue to keep many senior citizens – inside and outside of senior care communities – isolated from normal life which for some can be disheartening and lonely. Over time, this can leave seniors feeling apathetic, physically less mobile, even depressed and more prone to illness. The following tips that come from Kelsey’s day-to-day work at Emerald Court keep seniors active, sharp, and happier overall.

  1. Utilize video content resources online for easy exercises and relaxations.“I create weekly 15-minute exercise routines that Emerald Court plays in our CCTVs, but we’ve also found great videos on YouTube for gentle exercise, beginner’s yoga, cognitive activities, and meditation walk-throughs that are great for any age.”
  2. Explore the world without traveling. “Some of our seniors have really enjoyed travel-based video content such as scenic tours from other states or countries, or live camera streams from zoos with baby animals! You can find endless amounts of travel and discovery videos online that will fascinate and interest you.”
  3. Try something new every day. “Our wellness team comes up with a variety of new things for our seniors to try, with something different each day. It could be a short story to read, a brain teaser or maze, or a DIY craft bag that we bring them. If available, families and friends can help deliver resources for new activities or even share their activity ideas for seniors living at home!”
  4. Try different ways to keep in touch with others. “You may not be able to meet up with friends, but phone calls and writing to pen pals are still fun and easy ways to stay connected. Many of our residents have also learned to use Skype, Zoom, or Google Duo to video chat with their friends and family.”
  5. Stick to your original, pre-COVID routine as best you can. “Many daily activities may need to be modified, but keeping a routine as close to what you had before quarantine is best. Eat sleep, and keep regular activities around the same time of day as before. If you take walks in your neighborhood, stretch your legs in your yard or spacious room indoors instead of skipping it. Adjustments like that can help keep your routine feeling regular.”
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