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Things To Know About Dead Tooth, Signs, Treatment

Our teeth develop from a combination of soft and hard tissues. If they are working correctly in our body, we may assume they are alive. But what if any one of them stops working! There might be signs of a dead tooth. Nerves which are located in the inner layer of a tooth’s pulp get damaged by different causes, such as injury or decay, which limit blood circulation to the tooth. This result in infection and the nerve may stop working permanently. Our teeth are so vital to our overall health that even subsequent pain or a tiny amount of tooth decay can create major distress, especially in such cases where a person doesn’t know where it is coming from.

A tooth can also die due to poor dental hygiene. If cavities are left untreated, they can slowly destroy the teeth’s condition. Cavities form on the enamel that is the outer protective layer of the teeth. If left untreated, they can slowly eat the enamel and threaten the pulp. It can cause the pulp to become infected which cuts off blood to the pulp and causes it to die. There are possible chances of having intense pain once the decay meets the pulp.

Signs Of A Dead Tooth 

A dead tooth is not easy to identify in the early stages. The intensity of pain generally uplifts when there is an infection. If the infection grows more and reaches to abscess, a person might face different types of symptoms like swelling, foul odor, foul taste or pimple on their gums. One may notice black, yellow or grey discolouration. It usually happens from dying red blood cells that are common to bruising. The discolouration generally increases when the treatment does not take place.

Another possible sign of a dead tooth can be pain. It may happen according to the condition, like some will not feel any type of pain, while others may have mild or intense pain. It is mainly due to the dying nerve and can happen due to infection.

A healthy tooth generally contains a colour of white. However, the shade can vary depending upon the oral hygiene and diet of a person. Like if someone intakes those types of foods which are staining, for example, blueberries, coffee, red wine, or even if they smoke, they might not get the advantage of having a natural white-teeth smile as their colour may change to light yellow or off-white.

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