
Expertise is not the sole criteria for a professional to pursue coaching as a career. Coaching requires multiple qualities and a successful coach is one who has mastered the technique of being able to engage the participants in a manner that is informative yet interesting. And while this happens to be the very foundations of training, it requires a nuanced approach that helps the coach to identify the engagement levels and deploy the right methodology to impart training and share knowledge. Here are skills that every life coach needs to possess.

Breaking the ice with the right introduction

More often than not, the engagement of a new class is decided in the very first few moments of the session. It is the introduction that gives the participants an informal preview of how the session will unfold. This is exactly why the best Keynote speakers and motivational speakers spend a lot of time getting the first act right. In addition to acquiring excellent credentials, you can build your confidence to open a session with a powerful introduction by enrolling for a formal ICF accredited coach training program. India is home to some of the most reputed centres and academies and you can easily kick start your transformation as a coach at these centres.

Milking anecdotes to create value in the learning curve

A simple rattling of the points can be the least interesting and engaging during a session. Anecdotes and anecdotal evidence are the anchors round which a training session revolves. Master trainers have for long relied on this technique of weaving the narrative around anecdotal evidence and anecdotes. Humans of all ages are more likely to remember content that is linked to anchors that are a easy to remember. This is one of the advantages of advantages of availing training from a reputed institute that offers life coach certification. India has many institutes, with a large number of courses; however only a select few offer the advantage of taking participants through winning practices.

Offering a refreshing perspective

One of the primary functions of a life coach is the need to add value to the learning curve. And this entirely hinges on how a coach can mentor and take his/her participants through the session with a refreshing perspective. There would be little or no additional value if the coach does not offer a fresh perspective that is convincing and refreshingly new. To do this, a coach needs assistance; and the best way to acquire this skill is to enroll for executive coaching certification. India based institutes offer certification in addition to equipping trainers with the ability to adopt a fresh perspective training during sessions.

The world is moving ahead at a dizzying pace with digital transformation, and coaching has also moved on from ‘classroom only’ to ‘classroom/online’ sessions. Courses have been designed to be effective across both instructor led classrooms and interactive sessions that offer coaching certification online. India has a demand for life coaches to help participants move ahead in their professional pursuits and it is time you honed your skills to become one.

Author Bio

Neil Nabeel is the course consultant at Coach Transformation Academy. The place where world class coach training programs are conducted to support coaches transform their coaching skills to a new level of understanding of the coaching process.